how to install phoenix os

first you need to go this url and download link = you need to download exe fil for windows after download then click on it and press yes then click on install then click on the drive which you want to install then choose the disk size for your phoenix os then click on install after installation  then it will be installed sorry for no image in phoenix os very very sorry that is it

how to use ms office for free

it is very simple just click the link and download

first extract it

then open it
and then click on office 2007
then click on setup

after it this window will apper then minimize it
and dubble tap on serial

then copy the key

and copy it

and paste on the setup if it is showing cross so agaiin copy the serial key carefully

after again copying it

and click on continue
and accept the terms and condition

and again click on continue
aelect your installation patch or choose default path

then installation screen will appear

it take a long time

much much later
 it will be done


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